
Ein weiterer Europameister in Wien! Vikings signen JP Bombek

Kiki Klepsch
Kiki Klepsch
Der Sensations-Transfer ist perfekt: Pass Rusher Jan-Phillip Bombek ist nun ein Viking. Der 26-jährige AThlet mit Deutsch-Österreichischer Staatsbürgerschaft, der am 28. Oktober mit TEam Austria die IFAF-Europameisterschaft gewann, unterschriebt für die 2024 Saison der European League of Football beim Wiener Franchise. "This is huge. We're happy to him with us in Vienna," freut sich auch Team Co-Owner Robin Lumsden über die Verpflichtung Bombeks.

"Choosing to switch from the Hamburg Sea Devils to the Vienna Vikings is a deeply personal decision for me. I've been drawn to Vienna's team not just for their impressive track record, but also because of the strong bonds I share with both the coaches and players of whom many I have played with on the National team level. This move isn't just about joining a team; it's about joining a family where I believe we can put the Vienna Vikings to championship contention, provided we stay healthy throughout the season," äußert sich Bombek hochmotiviert und entschlossen in einem ersten Statement nach der Vertragsunterzeichnung.  
Bombek absolvierte 2023 seine bereits dritte Saison in der European League of Football, 2021 und 2023 war Teil der gefürchteten Hamburg Sea Devils Defensive Line. 2022 spielte er für das Franchise aus Leipzig. Mit 26 (!) Career Sacks in drei ELF-Saisonen rangiert Jan-Phillip unter den Top 3 Pass Rushern der Liga.

"I know Bombek will fit in here perfectly and will make an immediate impact." - HC Chris Calaycay

Wenig überraschend daher, dass auch Vienna Vikings Head Coach Chris Calaycay nur in den höchsten Tönen von seinem neuen Spieler spricht: "The signing of Jan-Phillip Bombek adds to an incredible defensive line that we have put together here in Vienna over the past two years. Jan is the type of player that has proven to be one of THE best Defensive Ends in the European League of Football history. He is one of the league's Sack leaders with an overall of 26 sacks. Having been able to coach him before, I know he will fit in here, and Jan will make an immediate impact on the Vikings, on the Eastern Conference and on the ability to get to the Quarterback. I am very excited that we were able to sign him. Welcome to the Vikings, Jan."